
Hello! My name is Alisa Lee. I am twenty-three years old, Korean American, and I communicate with people to be happy. I earned a literary journalism degree from UCI, so I can talk to people better. I speak through creative stories, digital art, face-to-face conversations, and articles, to give insight or instructions to strangers who need it. 

My Writing Portfolio

As a dedicated communicator based in San Jose, CA, my goal is to share with you the essence of my work. From technical news writing to creative storytelling, every detail is crafted with precision. Twin separation, transgenderism, third culture kid (TCK), and gaming are several niche subjects I extensively researched as a student journalist. My creativity shines through my blog posts and fictional children's stories.

I hold a professional yet personal tone that sets me apart as a creator, willing to undergo any writing challenge, be it in marketing, technology, business, or psychology.
